Dal 1995 si tra...sferisce definitivamente nella città toscana dove apre uno studio in via dei Servi. La ‘bottega’, come nella migliore tradizione locale, diventa presto un vivace luogo d’approdo in cui saperi antichi e moderni creano nuove e originali sinergie.
Daniela elabora qui i suoi particolari lavori improntati ad una visione solare e mediterranea: attraverso l’utilizzo di materiali riciclati, che conservano ancora intatta la loro anima, l’artista ritaglia le maquettes di alcuni tra i più noti scorci fiorentini. Prendono così forma infinite variazioni condotte sulle inconfondibili facciate brunelleschiane di Santo Spirito, agili silhouettes di rara spontaneità e immediatezza espressiva, fortemente verticalizzate, sulle quali sperimentare in à plat colori forti e vibranti, spesso giustapposti a campiture dorate ottenute con l’applicazione della foglia d’oro.
Santo Spirito, primo approdo dell’artista, quartiere artigiano per antonomasia, ancora verace nella sua vita quotidiana e nei suoi antichi saperi, ma anche internazionale per le sue storiche gallerie antiquarie, offre in queste miniature deliberatamente scarnificate evocazioni intense, sensibili ed eleganti, preziosi cammei per la memoria di un luogo senza limiti.
Daniela Meza Sigala was born in Chile, and studied at the University of Concepcion. In 1990-1992, the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs gave her the opportunity to perfect her studies at the Florence Academy of Fine Arts. This allowed her to trace her roots and rediscover masterly craftsmanships, by taking gilding, ceramics (in Montelupo) and engraving courses.
In 1995 she moved to Florence where she set up her own studio in Via dei Servi. the worksop "bottega" soon became a lively and captivating place where ancient and modern mastery blends together to form a new and original synergy. This is where Daniela creates her characteristic works based on a sunny/radiant and mediterrenean vision: by recycling objects that still have a soul, the artist cuts out models of some of the most famous Florentine sites. She creates endless variations of santo Spirito's distinctive Brunelleschi façade, lean silhouettes of rare naturalness using a spontaneous expressive language, strongly verticalized, on which to experiment using intense and vibrant colours on a flat surface , often juxtaposing them with golden-filled backgrounds, obtained by applying gold foil.
Santo Spirito, the artist's first landing place, home to artisans par excellence, is still genuine and full of ancient knowledge, but it is also an international area thanks to its famous antique art galleries. In her Santo Spirito's miniatures, that are deliberately stripped to the bone, the artist offers intense, sensitive, elegant and precious cameos for the memory of a place without limits
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